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Digital Marketing Blueprint

“Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth frameworks.” – Neil Patel, New York Times Bestselling Author and Marketing Expert

"You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint, why would you start your marketing without one?

Digital marketing is all about efficiently maximizing the power of the internet, mobile phone, social media, and other technology-enabled platforms for engaging with your customers and prospects. Whether it is email marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, chatbots or audio-video features, digital marketing is less about the stuff you produce or provide, and more about the user experience you can deliver.

An investment in digital marketing is the most valuable when it comes with a plan. A digital marketing blueprint designed for your business and its customers will generate a higher return on your investment than a trial-and-error approach.

5 reasons why you should develop a digital marketing strategy

The world of digital initiatives is vast, and the possibilities are limitless. However, as marketing professionals, you may have to navigate your way through several aspects while delivering on your business goals:

·            How do you decide the allocation of your marketing budget between the various digital avenues?

·            Do you have clearly-defined milestones for each step of your digital journey?

·            Does each of your digital programs offer relatability to your customers and measurable value to your business?

·            Should you explore new digital platforms or stay with the tried-and-tested ones?

If you are still contemplating whether to invest in a digital marketing strategy or are overwhelmed about its vastness and what it involves, a digital marketing blueprint is an excellent starting point. It can be the growth framework your marketing needs.

Read on to understand how this tool can strengthen your business and make every dollar of your marketing budget count.

What is a Digital Marketing Blueprint?

A comprehensive, well-defined plan could make all the difference between a good and a great digital marketing strategy. A blueprint is essentially a roadmap or a high-level document that:

·            Links your digital initiatives to the short-term and long-term business goals

·            Helps you to steer clear of common pitfalls that prevent plans from translating into action

·            Ensures that your digital initiatives deliver satisfactory and ongoing Return on Investment (ROI)

Digital Marketing blueprints are a very affordable and great way to get started. For most industries they would be between $2K and $3K.  Request your quotation and more details with the form below.

tips on how to generate traffic with a digital marketing blueprint

Here are some of the characteristics of an effective digital marketing blueprint:


Keep it Fluid:

In the dynamic and ever-changing digital world, a rigid plan will do more damage than good to your business. Review your roadmap on a periodic basis, use real-time analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your initiatives, and tweak your plans, wherever necessary. Ensure that your blueprint can accommodate fluctuating market forces, changing business requirements, emerging technologies, and sudden disruptive moves made by your competition.

a person is typing on a keyboard with the words want more traffic create faq type content .

Define Clear Ownership:   

While a larger team, along with agencies and consultants may be responsible for delivering on your digital marketing plan, ensure that the ownership of the roadmap rests with a powerful decision maker.


a woman is standing in front of a board with sticky notes on it .

Use a Collaborative Approach:

A powerful digital strategy integrates multiple initiatives instead of focusing on a series of isolated ones. While drawing up the blueprint, adopt a collaborative approach, involve all relevant stakeholders and ensure that there is agreement on focus areas and shared business goals.

a man in a suit and glasses is sitting at a desk with a laptop .

Set Realistic Goals:

A clearly-articulated roadmap will include the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that allow you to track and measure progress of your marketing goals. While you define your milestones, make sure that they are ambitious, yet achievable. Don’t hesitate to tweak the goal posts during your periodic reviews.

a group of people are looking at a computer screen .

Why do you Need a Digital Marketing Plan?

In a recent BIA/ Kelsey study, 77.6% of small business owners said they use social media to promote their businesses. From freelancers and solo entrepreneurs to small and medium-sized companies, everyone is jumping onto the digital marketing bandwagon. While email, website and social media are the top three tools they use, 90% of them are happy that their digital efforts have increased the exposure for their businesses.

a poster explaining why social media is so effective for marketing .

An integrated digital marketing blueprint will allow you to:

  • Cast a wider net and draw the attention of prospects across multiple platforms.
  • Get real-time updates on each channel’s efficiency and effectiveness, enabling better control over your marketing budget and campaigns.
  • Successfully reach out to your target audience, which means a stronger chance of getting ahead of the competition.

Enhance Your Digital Journey: Create a Solid Digital Marketing Blueprint

Your competition may already be using digital marketing to promote their businesses, and if you are not an early adopter, you could still be playing catch-up. However, instead of rolling out multiple, isolated digital initiatives, rely on the knowledge and skills of a digital marketing expert and create a robust digital marketing blueprint. Clearly defined guiding principles, along with a comprehensive road-map will be the foundation of a healthy and successful digital marketing journey.

Ready to get your Digital Marketing Blueprint?

Leave your contact details, and we’ll have one of our WSI Digital Marketing Experts in Winnipeg follow-up and arrange a time that works best for you to have a  quick discussion.

We look forward to chatting!

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Did You Know?

Digital marketing success is easier to attain if you map out your goals and determine the digital marketing blueprint you’ll use to achieve them.


87% of companies say that their markets have become more competitive in the past three years


On average, most companies battle against 25 competitors


A strategy with defined processes is 466 percent more likely to deliver success


14% of small businesses fail because of poor marketing

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